Recently, someone I work with was scoffing at the the fact that his wife would do a part of the Outward Bound Relay. I found it amusing, but it also got me thinking. Those who haven't gotten the chance to step out into the energy of a race miss the whole point.
"Why would anyone go out, run all that way, for no other reason than to run it?"
Simple. But I want to compare it to the droves of HOG clubs - that's Harley Owner's Group - who get up from their couches, and rev the ever-so-branded rumble of their engines across towns, states and countrys. They do it for good reasons. To meet people who love the sport. To meet people they actually like. To try, to question the decision to go, then overcome it, and stay on track - to finally hit the milestone that kept them at it - well, that's just an experience that you all had better try. It's really kind of a "high".
But that's not to make the "runner's high" so cliche. Now that's something completely different. But of course, all part of it. Anyhow, the next time you spend part of your weekend shopping, surfing the internet or hell, even working, try getting out to one of the 1000s of races in Colorado going on right now, even some of them with teams - like my friend's wife completed this weekend - and run 'em.
One of my favorites is the California to Rhode Island
Coast-to-Coast Run that's going on right now. The team is now in Steamboat Springs, and this coming Wednesday, they'll be in Denver!