Sunday, August 20, 2006

The next time you're thinking of skipping a run when it's hot, just remember these things:

  • Gulp the water/Gatorade beforehand - remember the feeling of being parched?
  • Carry a hydration container if you're headed out for more than an hour.
  • Eat a Gel - this is going to be key energy that keeps you out.
  • Slap on some 'screen - 'specially if you're at altitude.
  • Name a goal - any goal: 40 minutes, 5 miles, to the park and back.
Oh, and by the way. October 15th isn't far away. That's the Denver Marathon if you forgot! We've got a 4-person team planned and we're gettin' ready. Then, of course, there's Rim Rock Run.


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