Risslicious ran the Loveland Half Marathon a month after she ran a sweet marathon time! Damn girl, slow down! ;) (read: don't you dare, if you've got it, race with it.) |
Wednesday, November 09, 2005
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- Monday: Off (or 3 miles easy) and weightsTuesday: ...
- So, heres it is:M: 3 miles AM and 4 miles PMT: Off...
- Mesa Trail:Difficulty: ModerateDistance: 7 MilesTh...
- Risslicious just finished the Portland Marathon ru...
- If you own the Forerunner you know it came with a ...
- "One of the most basic tenets of training is a har...
- Running races is fun, but getting ready for them i...
- Got a staircase? Or maybe 14? I happen to work in...
- How do you get ready for a 22 mile race in a month...
- I both love and walk upon rules. But these tenets...

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