Yet another way to drag writing out of a running habit: I'm now editing the Rocky Mountain Raod Runners newsletter. I can't wait! I get to interview people, (which I love doin) and perhaps a little bit o' writin.
Tuesday, February 14, 2006
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Previous Posts
- Looks like for Spring Break, I'll be heading down ...
- Boycott UPS!I left school early in order to wait f...
- I registered for Bay to Breakers, May 21st. Now I'...
- "The present moment is unlike the memory of it. R...
- The Bay to Breakers race is May 21st. It's basical...
- Time to build that base. We're gonna do a month of...
- Gotta love runnin' when it's cold.
- Risslicious ran the Loveland Half Mara...
- Monday: Off (or 3 miles easy) and weightsTuesday: ...
- So, heres it is:M: 3 miles AM and 4 miles PMT: Off...

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