Sunday, July 31, 2005

This weekend, somehow, I was able to get in about 11 miles of running. It was assisted greatly by the help of PowerGel. And, the gel is a beautiful thing.

A few of us went to knighthawk's hockey game this afternoon, and from the enclosed window of the spectator cage, we all saw the caffinated 100 calories work their magic on the ice. So, I guess it works on iceskates too. I usually eat half a package before most runs, for a perk, and a whole one before the race. Although GU and Powergel are some of my favorites, Honey Stinger and CarbBoom are also good. Rissilicious loves the HoneyStingers because they're more appropriate for a vegan athlete, and GU is a favorite with triathletes. But, with a name like GU, you've got that curiousity factor feeding your orbiting athletes. Many "Energy Drinks" like RedBull have the same effect on the system as these gels. But why drink more fluid to get the same effect? Choice, I'll guess. Kind of reminds me of the beer-drinker verses the Shot-putter.


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